On the Road Again

It was a wonderful weekend here in the Northeast (United States). It was cold, icy, snowy and rainy. Often all at the same time. With the exception of two long walks with my dog Maya and wife, we spent the weekend in doors. It did give me time to finish Aqaba.

Now if you are a gamer in the Philadelphia area, I apologize for buying up every bottle of Games Workshop Devlan Mud. It has been my preferred wash/ink for my figures and terrain. I only wish it came in something larger than 12 milliliters. So after several trips to gather the needed craft paint and inks, I was ready for the storm. 🙂

I did a light gray dry-brush on some of the finished road but the effect was minimal so I did not continue with it.

As you can see in these pictures, I have painted and inked all of the roads in Aqaba and Abu el Lissal.  Well not really. If I did all of the road I would need another eleven sheet of 4 by 6 plywood or 70 plus feet of table. Maybe a little much.

The images are done in Photoshop using a technique from Tutorials by Jennifer.

Not a bad weekend of work.

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